MBBS Abroad: Why Do Indian Students Move to Study?

Shaurya Chaudhary

Shaurya Chaudhary

Content Writer

Reading time: 5 Minutes
Updated on: 24. June 2024
Globe with stethoscope, MBBS abroad, glass globe

☝️ At a glance

  • There is a surge in Indian students pursuing MBBS abroad. 
  • Fierce competition for limited MBBS seats in India pushes many students to look abroad. 
  • European MBBS programs offer affordable tuition and scholarships, and degrees are globally recognized and respected. 
  • Students gain diverse healthcare experience and cultural competence, along with better job prospects and research opportunities.

📖 Table of Contents

The trend of Indian students pursuing MBBS degrees abroad, particularly in Europe, has surged significantly in recent years. In the last decade alone, the number of Indian students pursuing MBBS abroad has more than doubled, reaching an estimated figure of over 20,000 students annually. This article delves into the unique reasons behind this shift and explores how it benefits aspiring medical professionals.  

Limited Seats and High Competition in India 

One of the most pressing issues is the limited availability of MBBS seats in Indian medical colleges. Despite the high demand, the number of seats available in government and private medical colleges is insufficient to accommodate all aspiring doctors. India has around 80,000 MBBS seats, but with over 24 lakh applicants this year, the competition is fierce. This intense competition and high cut-off scores in the NEET exam leave many qualified students without admission, pushing them to seek alternatives abroad. 

Cost Effective Tuition 

Studying MBBS abroad can be more affordable compared to private medical colleges in India. Many European countries offer quality medical education at a cost-effective rate compared to alternatives available in India. Additionally, these countries often provide scholarships and financial aid, making it a viable option for many Indian families. Check this link for more information on affordable MBBS options in Europe.  

Superior Educational Infrastructure 

European universities often boast advanced educational infrastructure, providing students with access to modern laboratories, innovative medical technology, and highly experienced faculty. Countries like Poland, Slovakia and Hungary are renowned for their top-notch medical education systems. These institutions offer a comprehensive learning experience that includes extensive clinical exposure and hands-on training, which is crucial for aspiring doctors. 

Global Recognition and Accreditation 

Many European medical universities are accredited by global medical bodies and recognized by the National Medical Commission (NMC) of India. This ensures that the education provided meets international standards, and the degrees awarded are respected worldwide. Graduates from these institutions can practice medicine in various countries, subject to passing the necessary licensing exams. For example, universities in Slovakia, Poland, and the Czech Republic are widely recognized for their high educational standards. 

International Exposure and Diverse Experience 

Studying abroad offers Indian students the opportunity to gain international exposure and experience different healthcare systems. This not only broadens their medical knowledge but also enhances their adaptability and cultural competence. Interacting with peers from diverse backgrounds and learning under globally acclaimed faculties can provide a well-rounded education, preparing students for a global medical career. 

Advanced Research Opportunities 

Many European universities emphasize research as a core component of their medical programs. This allows students to engage in cutting-edge medical research, work on interesting projects, and contribute to advancements in medical science.  

Such opportunities are often limited in Indian institutions due to funding constraints and lack of infrastructure. By studying abroad, Indian students can access state-of-the-art research facilities and collaborate with leading scientists and researchers, significantly enhancing their academic and professional profiles. 

Better Job Prospects 

Graduating from a reputed foreign university can open doors to lucrative job opportunities globally. Many countries face shortages of healthcare professionals and actively recruit international medical graduates. For instance, countries like Hungary and Poland offer attractive career prospects and pathways to permanent residency for qualified doctors. 

Employers value Indian students with international degrees for their global exposure and diverse skills, boosting their job market competitiveness.

Language Proficiency and Soft Skills Development 

Studying abroad necessitates the acquisition of language proficiency, particularly in English, which is the medium of instruction in many countries including Europe. This not only helps in academic success but also improves communication skills, a critical aspect of medical practice. Additionally, living and studying in a foreign country fosters independence, resilience, and problem-solving skills. These soft skills are invaluable in the medical profession, where effective communication and adaptability are essential.  

Escape from Reservation Quotas 

The reservation system in India, which allocates a significant percentage of seats to various social categories, often limits the chances of general category students securing admission to medical colleges. This system, while designed to promote inclusivity, can be a barrier for many meritorious students. Studying abroad offers a merit-based admission process, ensuring that students are selected based on their academic performance and potential rather than their social background. 

Opportunity to Explore New Cultures 

Living and studying in a different country provides a unique opportunity to immerse oneself in a new culture. This cultural exposure enriches personal growth and broadens one’s worldview.  

Medical students benefit from understanding diverse cultural healthcare attitudes, aiding empathetic treatment of patients from varied backgrounds.


The decision to study MBBS abroad is influenced by a combination of factors including limited seats, high competition, and affordable tuition fees. Additionally, the superior educational infrastructure, global recognition, and diverse experiences offered by European universities make this an attractive option for many Indian students. 

By leveraging these opportunities, aspiring medical professionals can not only achieve their dreams but also make a significant impact in the global healthcare landscape. 

For personalized guidance and support, reach out to book a free consultation with futureMBBS experts today!