MBBS Abroad: Demystifying Common Myths with Facts

Pratibha Chauhan

Pratibha Chauhan

Senior Content Specialist

Reading time: 6 Minutes
Updated on: 15. April 2024
Puzzle piece with word Facts and Myths

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In recent years, pursuing an MBBS degree abroad has gained significant popularity among students aspiring for outstanding medical education and diverse learning opportunities. However, the decision to study MBBS abroad often faces the challenge of misconceptions and stereotypes.

This post is specifically dedicated to dispelling these myths and providing a clear understanding of the advantages associated with studying MBBS abroad. By addressing the realities tied to this educational journey, we aim to shed light on its myriad benefits.

From debunking notions of substandard education quality to overcoming language barriers, we endeavor to provide precise information and valuable insights related to studying MBBS abroad. Furthermore, we will explore the various career prospects available to MBBS graduates, challenging the common belief that pursuing an MBBS degree abroad is excessively expensive.

Myth 1MBBS Degree from Abroad invalid in India

Fact: Leading international medical universities provide high-quality MBBS programs to students from around the globe. These universities are widely recognized by prominent medical bodies worldwide, including the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS), the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), the Foundation for Advancement of International Medical Education and Research (FAIMER), the National Medical Commission (NMC, formerly the MCI), and the Medical Councils of various countries.

With these accreditations, graduates from foreign medical universities can take the Foreign Medical Graduate Examination (FMGE)/ National Exit Test (NExT), a medical licensing examination in India. This examination permits Foreign Medical Graduates to practice medicine in India after completing their MBBS abroad. Hence, an MBBS degree from a top international medical university is recognized and valid in India.

Myth 2: Language Barrier in Abroad

Fact: Contrary to the common belief that many medical universities abroad use bilingual instruction, numerous top medical universities teach their medical education entirely in English. This helps overcome language barriers for international students aspiring to study medicine abroad. The increasing number of international students pursuing an MBBS degree has prompted these universities to provide comprehensive education in English.

Moreover, these institutions may require international students to learn the host country’s basic native language during their first year for better communication with locals. However, the primary medium of instruction in the leading medical universities abroad remains English, ensuring accessibility for a diverse student population.

Myth 3Studying MBBS Abroad is Expensive 

Fact: Many Indian students opt to study MBBS abroad because top universities offer affordable medical education. For example, pursuing an MBBS in Europe is more cost-effective than in other Western countries. The tuition fees vary depending on the chosen university. In addition to the current MBBS universities, there are numerous affordable MBBS colleges and universities available.

International students can benefit from student discounts on public transportation, restaurants, and other services. However, the extent of these advantages depends on individual spending. Students need to handle their finances wisely and make informed decisions to ensure a comfortable and budget-friendly stay during their medical education abroad.

Myth 4: FMGE/NExT is Too Tough To Qualify

Fact: The Foreign Medical Graduate Exam (FMGE)/ National Exit Test (NExT) is often considered one of the toughest exams for Indian medical students. This exam is for medical graduates who have completed their MBBS abroad and want to practice medicine in India. To excel in the exam, students studying MBBS abroad need to consistently keep up with their studies and prepare for their licensing examination. Opting for MBBS in top international medical universities also allows students to receive coaching for FMGE/NExT and other medical licensing exams like USMLE, etc.

Myth 5: Lack of Career Opportunities

Fact: Completing MBBS abroad opens up diverse career paths for international students, offering roles like MBBS Doctor and Medical Teacher with higher salaries than in India. Graduates can explore diverse paths such as Postgraduate, Specialization, and Residency Programs, Research, Hospital Administration, Healthcare Management, Public Health, Global Health, Medical Writing, Medical Consultancy, and Medical Tourism. Top medical universities abroad provide a global experience, opening multiple avenues for career development.

Myth 6: Studying Abroad is Unsafe for Indian Students

Fact: Parents may feel uneasy about sending their children far away to pursue MBBS abroad due to concerns about issues like ragging and religious differences. However, numerous reputable foreign universities offering MBBS programs prioritize creating a safe environment for their students. Many of these universities have adopted a zero-tolerance policy towards ragging and harassment, especially for international students. They enforce stringent regulations to guarantee the safety and well-being of students pursuing MBBS abroad.


Exploring Broader Horizons: MBBS in Europe

MBBS abroad

While myths prevail, broadening your horizons for a more comprehensive medical education is essential. European countries, in particular, stand out for their prestigious medical programs, marked by cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art facilities, and globally acclaimed curricula. Countries such as Germany, Slovakia, Hungary, and Croatia, to name a few, are home to world-class institutions that offer diverse medical practices and foster a holistic understanding of international healthcare systems.

Scholarships and financial aid are specifically designed to alleviate the financial burden and enhance the overall educational experience. By embracing these opportunities, students not only access superior medical education but also cultivate a global perspective that propels them toward an internationally recognized and impactful medical career.

In conclusion, this article dispels common myths surrounding pursuing an MBBS degree abroad. Each aspect has been debunked with factual information, from the recognition of degrees to language barriers, expenses, and safety concerns. It encourages prospective students to consider studying MBBS abroad by highlighting the global experience, diverse career paths, and affordable options.

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