Get ready to embark on your own journey of studying medicine at the university of your dreams

With our help to your medical studies!

The medical faculty of Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Kashov has existed for 70 years. Since 1948, over 12,000 doctors have been trained there. The international and Europe-wide recognised English-language course of study has been in existence since 1992 and currently enables students from over 40 different countries to start the 6-year course of study in medicine there.

The university's teaching building is located right next to the university hospital, which provides a unique and practical education.

Facts about the study:

  • The degree in human medicine concludes with the title MUDr. (medicinae universae doctor), which is equivalent to Dr. med. univ. in Austria.
  • The dentistry degree concludes with the title MDDr. (medicinae dentalis doctor)
  • The degree programme and the professional doctorate obtained are fully recognised in Germany, Austria and all other EU countries.
  • In accordance with EU Directive 2005/36/EC, it is possible to start specialist training in Germany or Austria directly after graduation
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Over 250 study places are available for international students each year. Of these, around 210 are for students of human medicine and 40 for students of dentistry.

The majority of international students come from Germany, Austria, Poland, Japan, America, Greece & Spain. For the academic year 2023/24 , the tuition fee is 67.73 lacs semester for General Medicine and 4.97 Lakh / Semester semester for Dentistry.

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Study medicine in Kashov

To pass a semester in the degree programme, it is necessary to achieve at least 30 ECTS points (so-called credit points). Students earn these by successfully passing various examinations in different subjects with different ECTS point allocations.

Studying at the medical university in Kaschau involves a closely timed curriculum with small weekly tests to keep students up to date and to encourage them. Due to the small groups of about 10 students per group, the students experience a unique and very practical study with very good contact to the teaching professors and doctors. Only the lectures are held together for all students.

A frequent concern of our future students is learning the Slovak language. All teaching and study in human medicine and dentistry at the medical university in Kaschau is exclusively in English. However, it is important for students to find their way around in their new place of study in addition to their everyday studies, and to be able to talk to patients in the hospital later on. For this reason, Slovak is taught in the first two years.

Studying in English is a huge advantage, not only because you will have the opportunity to work as a doctor anywhere in the world in the future, but also because it will be much easier for you to follow current medical topics during your studies, as these are usually always published in English first.

Through partnerships with other international medical faculties, students of the Medical University in Kashov have the opportunity to broaden their horizons and, if necessary, to spend a semester abroad at another university.


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Exploring your options and making the right choice can be though. That’s why we are here to help. Under our expert guidance you will embark your full potential and will achieve your goal of pursuing your medical education and becoming a medical doctor.