Studying medicine in Turkey

More and more students are travelling to Turkey to study medicine. Turkey is known worldwide for its excellent cuisine, rich history and geographical diversity. What is less well known is that Turkish medical universities offer an excellent education.

Are you interested in studying medicine in Turkey?
We will be happy to advise you free of charge about your options for studying medicine in Turkey.

What are the advantages of studying medicine in Turkey?

If you start your medical studies in Turkey, an exciting country awaits you, characterised by a colourful culture and a long history. Numerous sights, modern cities and beautiful beaches attract countless travellers every year and offer you the opportunity to diversify your student life. You can also enjoy these benefits:

Top-Notch Educational System

The medical curriculum in Turkey is carefully curated to meet the international standards, guaranteeing get a thorough and demanding education. In order to prepare students for careers as capable and caring medical professionals, Turkey's medical schools place equal emphasis on theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

Cultural Experience

Studying in Turkey gives students access to a distinctive cultural experience that benefits them beyond the classroom. Students can experience a fresh and captivating culture while pursuing their educational objectives in this welcoming country because of its rich history, diverse heritage, and friendly hospitality.

Study in English possible

Numerous universities in Turkey also offer medical studies for international students in English. So you don't even need a perfect knowledge of Turkish to start your medical studies in Turkey.

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At which universities can you study medicine in Turkey?

There are numerous medical universities in Turkey where students from abroad can also begin their studies. Below you will find an overview of the most popular universities:

Istanbul University (Yeditepe Üniversitesi)

The Faculty of Medicine at Istanbul University was the first medical faculty in Turkey. It offers a degree programme in dentistry and human medicine in both English and Turkish. Numerous international co-operations enable you to do internships or semesters abroad in other countries.

The university campus is a small city in itself. You can quickly make friends with your fellow students in the university's cafeterias, sports facilities and parks.

In addition to a beautiful cityscape, Istanbul is rich in culture and has a lot to offer you. If you need a break from all the impressions, there are numerous small cafés, restaurants and bars as well as many green spaces for great relaxation opportunities.

Hacettepe University

Hacettepe University in Istanbul offers medical studies in English. The aim here is to train enlightened, research-orientated and empathetic doctors. The Faculty of Medicine is a leader in both national and international research. On the Hacettepe campus, you can make friends with people from all over the world, as a large proportion of students come from abroad.

The university is located in Ankara, the capital of Turkey. It is known as a diverse and lively student city. As a melting pot of different cultures and ethnicities, it has a colourful range of restaurants, markets and cultural events to offer.

Aegean University (Ege Üniversitesi)

At Ege University, medical studies are conducted in Turkish. Founded in 1955, the faculty is particularly well known for its excellent educational and research opportunities. From the very first year of training, students acquire practical medical skills as well as basic knowledge.

Ege University is located in the harbour town of Izmir. The third largest city is particularly known for its pleasant Mediterranean climate, its cultural diversity and its lively atmosphere. As it starts to warm up in spring, you can spend many beautiful afternoons on the shores of the Aegean Sea

Bahçeşehir University (BAU)

The private Bahcesehir University in Istanbul offers medical studies for international students once a year in the winter semester. This programme attracts students from all over the world. You will find people from over 25 different nations on campus. The university's numerous social programmes give you the opportunity to get to know them quickly and make friends. As part of the curriculum, Turkish must be learnt alongside your studies. 

The university is located in the heart of beautiful Istanbul on the banks of the Bosphorus in Besiktas. After lectures, you can cosy up with a book in the green spaces along the Bosphorus or explore the numerous leisure activities or exciting nightlife in Istanbul with your fellow students.

What requirements do you need to study medicine in Turkey?

To be admitted to study medicine in Turkey, you need a high school diploma (Abitur or Fachabitur). Other countries where it is possible to study medicine with a vocational baccalaureate, you can find here. The grade point average plays a subordinate role. Much more important is the number of points achieved in the YÖS exam. YÖS stands for "Yabancı Uyruklu Öğrenci Sınavı" ("Examination for Students of Foreign Nationality") and is the Turkish entrance examination that all foreign students must take. The content and requirements of the exam vary from university to university, but generally involves answering oral or written questions in natural sciences, social sciences and maths. You will also have to prove your Turkish language skills during the exam.

English-speaking medical faculties often also expect a letter of motivation, a letter of recommendation and an official language certificate of your English language skills.

How is the medical degree programme in Turkey structured?

The Standard period of study for the medical degree programme in Turkey is six years, just like in Germany. You have the option of doing a preparatory year before starting your studies if you have deficits in science subjects or English. Then it would be seven years in total.

The structure of medical studies in Turkey is similar to that in Germany or other EU countries. The first three years are the pre-clinical phase. In the first two years in particular, you will learn about the structure and function of the human body through subjects such as anatomy, biochemistry, physiology and cell biology. From the third year onwards, you will receive a theoretical and practical introduction to diseases.

You will need this basic knowledge in order to understand lectures in internal medicine, anaesthesia, trauma surgery, gynaecology or paediatrics in the subsequent clinical part. You will then apply this knowledge in practice through a large number of internships on various hospital wards.

The sixth year is similar to the practical year in Germany. You will spend most of it in different specialisms at university hospitals. The students take on medical tasks and are thus prepared for their later time as a junior doctor.

Thanks to the Bologna Process, medical studies in Turkey are recognised in all EU countries as well as in the USA and Switzerland. You can therefore choose the country in which you would prefer to work or do your specialist training.

How much does it cost to study medicine in Turkey?

The Costs of studying medicine in Turkey vary depending on the university. Studying at a state university is also free of charge for non-Turkish students. At a private university, you should expect to pay between 9,19,020 INR and 24,80,947 INR (10,000 and 27,000 euros) per year.

The cost of living in Turkey varies depending on the city, but is significantly cheaper than in Germany. You can find nice small flats for between 18,389 INR and 27,583 INR(200 and 300 euros). The prices for food and leisure activities are also much lower, so you can expect to spend between 55,972 INR and 73,556 INR (500 and 800 euros) depending on your lifestyle and living situation.

With regard to the costs of your medical studies abroad, you should also think about possible Scholarships that can help you with the financing.

Country and people: What you didn't know about Turkey

  1. St Nicholas does not come from the North Pole, he comes from sunny Turkey. St Nicholas was Bishop of Myra (now Demre), in a province in the south-west of modern-day Turkey.
  2. 96% of the Turkish population drinks at least one cup of tea a day! There are numerous unusual flavours that you should definitely try!
  3. Istanbul's special features: Like Rome, the city was built on seven hills, on which impressive mosques and palaces can now be found. The city is also located on two continents and has an Asian and a European side.

What do you need to consider when applying to study medicine in Turkey?

The application process for studying medicine in Turkey differs slightly between the individual medical universities. As a rule, however, you must apply within the relevant  Application deadline submit your application documents online. These include the results of your YÖS test, your university entrance qualification (Fachabitur or Abitur) and a letter of motivation. futureMBBS has already gained a lot of experience in finding medical study places abroad and will be happy to support you with the application process.  

Are you ready to realise your dream of studying medicine in Turkey? Contact us today and start your journey with futureMBBS. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey and working with you to realise your dream of a career in medicine.



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FAQs about studying medicine in Turkey

Studying medicine in Turkey offers you the chance to live in a country with a rich history and cultural diversity. Moreover, many universities offer degree programmes in English.

Well-known universities include Istanbul University (Yeditepe Üniversitesi), Hacettepe University, Aegean University (Ege Üniversitesi) and Bahçeşehir University (BAU).

You need a high school diploma (Abitur or Fachabitur). It is also important to take the YÖS exam (exam for students of foreign nationality). English-language programmes also require a letter of motivation, letters of recommendation and language certificates.

The degree programme lasts six years, with an optional preparatory year. The first three years are dedicated to pre-clinical training, followed by three years of clinical training, similar to the programme structure in Germany and other EU countries.

Studying at state universities is often free, while private universities can cost between 9,19,440 INR and 24,82,326 INR (10,000 and 27,000 euros) per year. The cost of living varies, but overall it is cheaper than in many other countries.

The application process varies depending on the university, but usually involves submitting application documents online, including the results of the YÖS test and a letter of motivation.

Students should inform themselves early on about Scholarships and financial support options to cover the costs of your studies.

Yes, many universities in Turkey have international co-operations that enable students to complete semesters abroad or internships in other countries.

Yes, thanks to the Bologna Process, medical studies in Turkey are recognised in the EU, USA and Switzerland.

29 countries for your medical studies

Zurück Weiter


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Czech Republic

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Timișoara, Cluj
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Krakow, Szczecin, Wrocław, Łódź, Lublin, Białystok

Great Britain

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Bologna, Turin, Rome, Milan, Bari, Naples, Padua, Pavia
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Lund, Uppsala, Örebro, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Umea


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Medizinstudium in der Türkei


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Bosnia and Herzegovina

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