Studying medicine in Portugal

In addition to a rich history, breathtaking landscapes and a warm culture, Portugal also has an excellent medical degree programme to offer. In the land of port wine and Faro music, there are numerous internationally recognised universities that also welcome international students - and at low tuition costs!

Are you interested in studying medicine in Portugal?
We will be happy to advise you free of charge about your options for studying medicine in Portugal.

The advantages of studying medicine in Portugal

Do you already have previous knowledge of Portuguese? Or would you like to learn the language? Then studying medicine in Portugal could be an option for you. Because once you have overcome the language barrier, studying in Portugal offers you numerous advantages:

Global recognition

The medical degree programme in Portugal meets the requirements of the Bologna Process. After successfully completing your studies, you can therefore practise medicine in Germany or another EU country of your choice.

First-class universities

Some of Portugal's universities are among the oldest and most renowned universities in Europe. Here you can expect to study medicine at the highest level.

Low study costs

Both tuition fees and the cost of living in Portugal are very favourable by European standards at around 63,891 INR (700 euros) each.

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At which universities is it possible to study medicine in Portugal?

Although medical studies in Portugal are conducted exclusively in Portuguese, you can start your studies at the following medical universities if you have the necessary language skills as an applicant from the EU.

Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina)

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lisbon enjoys an excellent reputation for its outstanding medical staff and modern teaching facilities. It is not only one of the best and largest medical faculties in Portugal, but also one of the leading medical faculties in Europe.

University of Porto (Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas Abel Salazar)

At the University of Porto, medical studies are offered at the Faculty of Medicine and the Abel Salazar Institute of Biomedical Sciences.

The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Porto enjoys an excellent reputation both in Portugal and worldwide. Its numerous functional medical research centres make it one of the leading research schools in the country.

The integrated Master's programme at the Abel Salazar Institute for Biomedical Sciences at the Universidade do Porto places great importance on the pedagogical approach of its namesake: "The doctor who only knows about medicine does not even know medicine".

Early clinical contact is established for students at the Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santónio (CHUO) and other local healthcare facilities, and lectures are given by highly trained staff. 

Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciencias da Saude (UBI)

The Internal Department of Medical Science at the University of Beira is also very popular with students. It is taught according to the "problem-based learning" scheme and specifically promotes students' critical thinking and analytical skills.

Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina (FMUC)

The University of Coimbra was founded in 1290, making it one of the oldest universities on the European continent and the oldest university in Portugal. Until 1825, the Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra was the only medical faculty in the country. Both the study of medicine and dentistry are possible here.

Coimbra is a city in central Portugal and lies on the banks of the River Mondego. Due to the presence of thousands of students, the bars, restaurants and clubs cater to a young, lively crowd.

Universidade do Algarve Departamento de Ciencias Biomédicas e Medicina

The University of the Algarve was founded in 1979, making it one of the younger universities in Portugal. The Department of Biomedical Sciences offers an integrated Master's degree in Medicine.

The university is located in Faro on the beautiful Algarve coast of Portugal and is surrounded by spectacular beaches with picturesque bays. The well-preserved Roman ruins, charming cobbled streets and Moorish architecture reflect the city's rich historical heritage.

Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina

The School of Medicine is one of the newer departments at the University of Minho in Braga, as it was only opened in 2000. The student-centred curriculum encourages active learning and personal involvement.

Braga is located in the north of Portugal and is one of the oldest cities in the country. The city's historic streets are teeming with students, both during the day and at night, who meet up with their fellow students in cafés and bars.

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciencias Médicas

Nova translates as "new". Founded in 1973, NOVA Medical Schhol is one of the youngest universities in Portugal. The Integrated Master of Medicine, taught in Portuguese, is very popular and is also open to international students.

The university is located in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. It is not only very popular with travellers, but also a lively student city with a wealth of cultural and leisure activities. 

What are the requirements for studying medicine in Portugal?

Admission to a medical degree programme in Portugal takes place via a national admission procedure (Concurso nacional). In addition to your school-leaving certificate, you will also need a certificate of participation in a general entrance examination (Prova de Aferição) with a language test in Portuguese. Some universities also require an official language certificate of your Portuguese language skills.

Similar to Germany, your A-level grades should be in the upper range. You can also score well in biology, geology, physics, chemistry and maths. 

By the way: A vocational baccalaureate is of course not sufficient for admission, but - perhaps this will surprise you - there are Countries where you can study medicine with a specialist school-leaving certificate.

How is the medical degree programme in Portugal structured?

The medical degree programme in Portugal is a Bachelor's/Master's degree programme and is also referred to as an "integrated Master's". The Duration of medical studies is six years, as in Germany.

In terms of content, the programme is similar to the German curriculum. At the beginning of the programme, the focus is on the natural sciences and anatomy. This gives you an overview of the function and structure of the human body. The programme then continues with the study of diseases in the various medical disciplines. These include, for example, surgery, paediatrics, cardiology and emergency medicine. During this time, you will complete numerous internships in cooperating hospitals.

In your final year, you will write your Master's thesis and have clinical rotations.

How much does it cost to study medicine in Portugal?

On average, medical universities charge tuition fees of 63,891 INR (700 euros) per semester.

The cost of studying medicine are therefore primarily made up of the cost of living. These are significantly cheaper than in Germany. Depending on where you live and your lifestyle, you can expect to pay around 54,754 INR to 91,255 INR (600 to 1000 euros) including rent and food.

To cover the costs, you can opt for Scholarships for studying medicine abroad apply.

Country and people: What you didn't know about Portugal

  1. Almost 3000 kilometres of coastline. A large number for a relatively small country. In addition to the mainland, the archipelago of Madeira and the Azores also belong to Portugal.
  2. Learning Portuguese is worthwhile! In addition to Portugal, Portuguese is the official language in eight other countries. These include Brazil, Cape Verde, Angola, Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Principe, Sao Tome and Equatorial Guinea. Portuguese is also spoken in Goa (India), Macao and East Timor.
  3. Portugal has had the same defined borders since 1139 and is therefore considered a the oldest nation state in Europe. Alfonso Henriques became the first king of Portugal.

What should I bear in mind when applying to study medicine in Portugal?

To apply for a place to study medicine in Portugal, you must apply within the university-specific application deadline upload your documents in full to the relevant university website. You will receive all important information and support during the application process from us!

Are you ready to realise your dream of studying medicine in Portugal? Contact us today and start your journey with futureMBBS. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey and working with you to realise your dream of a career in medicine.


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FAQs about studying medicine in Portugal

Studying medicine in Portugal offers global recognition, first-class universities and low tuition costs compared to other European countries.

Admission requires a national admission procedure, a high school diploma, a certificate of participation in a general entrance examination and language skills in Portuguese. Good grades and knowledge of natural sciences are also an advantage.

The medical degree programme in Portugal is a Bachelor's/Master's degree programme and lasts six years. It includes basic science, clinical subjects and internships in hospitals.

Tuition fees average 91,255 INR (700 euros) per semester. The total costs, including living costs, are around 54,747 INR to 91,283 INR (600 to 1000 euros) per month.

Yes, there are scholarship opportunities for international students who wish to study medicine in Portugal.

A good knowledge of Portuguese is required to study in Portugal. Some universities also require official language certificates.

Applications must be submitted by the university-specific application deadline and the documents must be uploaded to the respective university website. futureMBBS offers comprehensive support during the application process.

Portugal has a long coastline, Portuguese is the official language in many countries, Portugal is considered one of the oldest nation states in Europe, and the country's history is rich in culture and traditions.

Some universities, such as the University of Lisbon, the University of Porto, the University of Beira Interior, the University of Coimbra, the University of the Algarve, the University of Minho and the University of Nova de Lisboa, offer medical degree programmes.

29 countries for your medical studies

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