Studying medicine in Denmark

Our northern neighbour Denmark, which is known above all for its mystical fjords, its wild coastline and its progressiveness in areas such as equal rights and environmental protection, also offers an excellent medical degree.

Are you interested in studying medicine in Denmark?
We would be happy to advise you free of charge about your options for studying medicine in Denmark.

What are the advantages of studying medicine in Denmark?

Cosy student towns surrounded by a picturesque landscape - that sounds good. But that's not the only thing that makes studying medicine in Denmark unique.

No tuition fees

In contrast to many other countries, there are no tuition fees for foreign students at Danish universities.

High quality education

If you start your medical career at a Danish university, you will have secured a high-quality education. Denmark is known for its outstanding education system, which is characterised by its strong emphasis on teamwork and early learning of practical skills.

World-class healthcare

The Danish healthcare system is internationally recognised as extremely progressive. In well-equipped hospitals, you can learn from well-trained staff at the cutting edge of medical science.

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At which universities is it possible to study medicine in Denmark?

Danish universities offer a medical degree programme at a high level and place great emphasis on practical experience and research. However, the language of instruction is mostly Danish, but preparatory courses and the proximity to English can be achieved if you are motivated. Below you will find more information about the four universities where it is possible to study medicine:

University of Copenhagen (University of Copenhagen)

The University of Copenhagen is the oldest and largest university in Denmark. Its medical faculty is internationally recognised for its research and excellent education. The medical degree programme is taught in Danish, with part of the Master's course taught in English. You will be in the same class for most of your training. This creates a good and close bond between the students. You will also have experienced tutors at your side, especially in the first few years, to help you get off to a good start.

The capital of Denmark is a cultural centre with many sights that you can easily explore by bike. You shouldn't miss out on a visit to the colourful houses of the Nyhavn district or the royal Amalienborg Palace.

Aalborg University (University of Aalborg/ Aalborg Universitet)

The degree programme at the Faculty of Medicine at Aalborg University is taught in Danish. Numerous research projects give you an insight into medical science. The programme is usually taught in small groups, combining lectures, clinical placements and problem-oriented project work. The lessons are often linked to medical cases so that you can establish a connection between your knowledge and practice.

As a student city, Aalborg offers you a high quality of life and a bike-friendly environment. You can explore the city's rich cultural programme with students from all over the world.

University of Odense (University of Southern Denmark/ Syddansk Universitet)

What makes studying medicine at the University of Southern Denmark unique is the early combination of theory and practice and the patient-centred examination format. You will get to know patients during your training. This gives you the opportunity to apply the knowledge you have learnt and gain practical skills. Lectures on the Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes in Human Medicine are held in Danish.

Denmark's third largest city, Odense, is located on the island of Funen (Fyn) in the region of southern Denmark. Surrounded by breathtaking scenery, you can enjoy your lecture-free time in the city's small cafés, cosy restaurants or international bars.

University of Aarhus (Aarhus University)

At the renowned University of Aarhus, you can study for a Bachelor's and Master's degree in human medicine in Danish. Classes are mainly held in small groups, which are divided up at the beginning of the programme. This close contact with your fellow students allows you to make friends quickly.

Aarhus is the second largest city in Denmark. The former Viking settlement has now developed into a lively student city and attracts young people from all over the world.

What are the requirements for studying medicine in Denmark?

The basic requirement for studying in Denmark is a university entrance qualification, i.e. the Abitur. Universities often require good grades in the natural sciences, maths and English. A good grade point average is generally an advantage when applying to Danish universities, as it counts towards the quota 1. Previous education can also give you an advantage.

If your grades are lower then, you have the option of applying via contingent 2. If you pass the UCPH exam, you can still be admitted to the medical degree programme. This test lasts two hours and consists of a language and a maths and logic section.

As the majority of Danish medical universities offer degree programmes in Danish, you will need the appropriate language skills. An official language certificate at language level B2 is often required. You should also prove your English language skills with a TOEFL, Cambridge or IELTS test.

Structure of medical studies in Denmark

The content and structure differ slightly between the individual universities, which Duration However, as in Germany, the total duration of a medical degree programme is six years.

The medical degree programme in Denmark is divided into a 3-year Bachelor's degree and a 3-year Master's degree in medicine.

Teaching on the Bachelor's degree programme alternates between lectures, practical exercises in small groups and courses with case studies. The subject areas of the Bachelor's programme are primarily basic subjects such as cell biology and genetics, as well as anatomy, biochemistry and physiology.

During your subsequent Master's degree programme, you will learn the basic medical and surgical training in the first to third semester. In addition to behavioural and methodological subjects, you will acquire knowledge in various medical fields such as internal medicine, pharmacology and anaesthesiology. This knowledge is taught to you in the form of lectures, seminars and practicals. In the following semesters, other specialisms such as psychiatry and neurosurgery are added.
In the last two semesters, you will work on your Master's thesis. This concludes your degree programme and you write it either from a specialist, research or international perspective. Possible subject areas include obstetrics, paediatrics or emergency medicine.

As medical studies in Denmark are recognised in EU countries, you can start working in Germany or another country of your choice after successfully completing your studies.

How much does it cost to study medicine in Denmark?

If you are accepted to a university in Denmark, you do not have to pay tuition fees for your subsequent medical studies. This is a big advantage compared to other European countries.

The Costs of studying medicine therefore mainly relate to the cost of living. You should calculate between 72,716 INR and 1,36,356 INR (800 and 1,500 euros) in total. Depending on where you live and your living situation, around 36,361 INR to 63,632 INR (400 to 700 euros) of this will go towards rent.

Please note: Although Denmark is an EU country, the currency is Danish Kroner.

If you need financial support during your medical studies, you can apply for numerous Scholarships apply.

Country and people: What you didn't know about Denmark

  1. What is the magic word? It's not "please", at least not in Denmark. Although the Danish people are considered to be extremely polite and friendly, there is no corresponding Danish translation for the German "Bitte".
  2. More sea? You're sure to get enough of it in Denmark. Because no matter where you are in Denmark, you can't be further away from the sea than 52 kilometres.
  3. Denmark is one of the countries with the happiest population in the world. Is it because of the relaxed lifestyle, the tolerant behaviour towards each other or the tranquil landscape? The reason is unclear, but numerous surveys show that the Danish population is extremely happy.

What do you need to consider when applying to study medicine in Denmark?

If you have decided to study medicine at a university in Denmark, you must first have your school-leaving certificate converted to the Danish grading scale. This is usually possible with a certificate obtained in the EU. In addition to your school-leaving certificate, you will also need to submit a few other documents within the University-specific application deadlines submit. futureMBBS will be happy to advise you.

Are you ready to realise your dream of studying medicine in Denmark? Contact us today and start your journey with futureMBBS. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey and working with you to realise your dream of a career in medicine.



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FAQs about studying medicine in Denmark

The advantages include no tuition fees, high educational quality and an advanced healthcare system.

No, there are no tuition fees for foreign students at Danish universities.

Medical studies are possible at the University of Copenhagen, Aalborg University, Odense University and Aarhus University, among others.

You need a university entrance qualification, good grades in science subjects and English, as well as language skills in Danish and English.

The programme is divided into a 3-year Bachelor's degree and a 3-year Master's degree in medicine, with a focus on basic subjects and practical training.

The average cost of living is between 72,707 INR and 1,36,320 INR (800 euros and 1,500 euros) per month, including rent.

You must have your High-school certificate converted to the Danish grading scale and submit further documents within the university-specific application deadlines. futureMBBS offers advice on this.

 Denmark is known for its happy population, proximity to the sea and relaxed lifestyle.

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