Pre-Departure Checklist for MBBS Abroad for Indian Students

Pratibha Chauhan

Pratibha Chauhan

Senior Content Specialist

Reading time: 5 Minutes
Updated on: 27. June 2024
Pre-Departure Checklist

☝️ At a glance

  • A comprehensive pre-departure checklist ensures a smooth transition for Indian students to study MBBS abroad.
  • Ensure official admission confirmation and fee payment.
  • Apply for a student visa and validate your passport.
  • Complete medical check-ups, vaccinations, and insurance.
  • Arrange travel and secure accommodation.

📖 Table of Contents

Pursuing an MBBS degree abroad is a significant decision that comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Indian students often choose this path to access high-quality education, advanced medical facilities, and international exposure. However, preparing for this journey requires meticulous planning and organization.

Here’s a comprehensive pre-departure checklist to ensure a smooth transition for Indian students heading abroad for their MBBS studies.

  1. Acceptance and Admission Confirmation

  • Admission Letter: Ensure you have received the official admission letter from the university. This document is crucial for visa applications and other formalities.
  • Tuition Fee Payment: Pay the initial tuition fee as required by the university. Keep the receipt of payment as proof.
  • Apostille and Attestation: Get your educational certificates (like your NEET scorecard, high school certificates) apostilled and attested as per the requirements of the destination country.
  1. Visa and Immigration

  • Student Visa: Apply for your student visa well in advance. Check the specific requirements and documents needed for the country you are traveling to.
  • Passport: Ensure your passport is valid for at least six months beyond your intended stay. If it’s close to expiration, renew it immediately.
  • Visa Interview: Prepare for the visa interview by practicing common questions and ensuring you have all necessary documents ready.
  1. Financial Preparation

  • Bank Account: Open a local bank account if required by the university. Also, maintain an international bank account or a Forex card for easy access to funds abroad.
  • Scholarships and Loans: If you have applied for any scholarships or education loans, ensure you have received the confirmation and necessary funds.
  • Currency Exchange: Carry some local currency of the destination country for immediate expenses upon arrival.
  1. Health and Insurance

  • Medical Check-up: Complete a full medical check-up and obtain a health certificate if required by the university or country.
  • Vaccinations: Get all required vaccinations and keep the vaccination certificates handy.
  • Health Insurance: Purchase a comprehensive health insurance plan that covers medical expenses abroad. Some universities may offer their own insurance plans.
  1. Travel Arrangements

  • Flight Tickets: Book your flight tickets well in advance to get the best rates. Ensure you have a confirmed return ticket if required by the visa regulations.
  • Airport Transfer: Arrange for airport pickup service offered by the university or book a reliable cab service for your transfer from the airport to the accommodation.
  1. Accommodation

  • University Accommodation: If you have opted for on-campus housing, confirm your booking and understand the check-in process.
  • Off-Campus Housing: If you are staying off-campus, finalize your accommodation, ensure the lease agreement is in place, and understand the local transportation options.
  1. Academic Preparation

  • Course Materials: Check if there are any recommended books or materials you need to bring. Some universities provide e-books or online resources.
  • Language Preparation: If the medium of instruction is not English, consider taking language courses to help you acclimate.
  1. Essential Documents

  • Document Folder: Prepare a folder containing all essential documents: passport, visa, admission letter, medical certificates, academic certificates, financial documents, and travel insurance.
  • Photocopies and Scans: Make multiple photocopies and digital scans of all important documents. Store them securely and share copies with your family.
  1. Communication

  • Local SIM Card: Research the best mobile network providers in the destination country and get a local SIM card for communication.
  • International Roaming: Activate international roaming on your current number to stay connected during the initial days until you get a local number.
  1. Packing Essentials

  • Clothing: Pack clothes suitable for the climate of the destination country. Don’t forget formal attire for university events.
  • Medicines: Carry a sufficient supply of any prescription medicines along with the prescription from your doctor.
  • Electronics: Bring essential gadgets like a laptop, mobile phone, chargers, and adapters compatible with the local power outlets.
  • Personal Items: Carry personal hygiene products, toiletries, and other essentials to make your initial days comfortable.

Book a Free Consultation

Before deciding to enroll in an MBBS program abroad, it’s essential to consult a professional for tailored advice. Book a free consultation with our experts at futureMBBS, who can offer valuable insights and personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances. Our guidance ensures prospective medical students are well-informed before starting their educational journey. We provide comprehensive assistance on choosing the right university, eligibility, exam preparation, visa procedures, pre-departure checklist, accommodations, and financial planning, helping you make informed decisions every step of the way.


Starting on an MBBS journey abroad is a life-changing experience that opens up a world of opportunities. By meticulously following this pre-departure checklist, Indian students can ensure they are well-prepared for their new academic adventure. Remember, thorough preparation is key to a smooth transition and a successful academic journey. Embrace the experience with confidence, stay organized, and make the most of the opportunities that come your way.

Safe travels, and best of luck in your medical studies abroad!