Philippines’ New Policy vs. European Med school Excellence

Aditi Dixit

Aditi Dixit

Content Specialist

Reading time: 4 Minutes
Published on: 30. May 2024

☝️ At a glance

  • Philippines Opens Doors: Indian medical graduates can now practice in the Philippines, boosting its appeal as a study destination.
  • Euro Excellence: European medical schools offer top-notch education and research opportunities, attracting Indian students.
  • Philippine Perks: Affordable tuition, English-language instruction, and US-standard curriculum make studying in the Philippines enticing.
  • Global Recognition: European medical degrees are highly respected worldwide, easing job prospects for graduates.
  • Smart Choices: Consider personal preferences, career goals, and financial factors when deciding between Europe and the Philippines for medical education.

📖 Table of Contents

The Philippines has recently introduced a significant policy change that allows Indian medical graduates to register and practice medicine in the country. This exciting development highlights the Philippines as an emerging destination for medical education. However, Europe continues to be the preferred choice for many Indian students due to its high-quality education, advanced research opportunities, and global recognition. This article explores the benefits of studying medicine in both the countries i.e., Philippines and Europe, helping you make an informed decision for your medical career.

New Opportunities in the Philippines

The amendment to the Philippine Medical Act of 1959, approved by the House of Representatives, is a game-changer for Indian medical students. The new policy allows Indian graduates to register and practice medicine in the Philippines, provided they earn their Doctor of Medicine degree from a Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recognized school and complete a 12-month internship.

Benefits of Studying Medicine in the Philippines:

Studying medicine in the Philippines has perks for international students. Their medical curriculum matches US standards, which can open doors to global career paths, including prestigious residency programs. Plus, compared to Europe, studying here is often more budget-friendly, with lower tuition and living costs. Also, learning in English removes language barriers, making it easier for students from different backgrounds to thrive.

Europe has its own appeal for medical students. The quality of education and clinical experiences in European medical schools is top-notch. Besides, many European countries offer advanced healthcare systems and chances for specialized research, which can boost students’ skills and job opportunities. Although studying in Europe may be pricier, it’s often worth it for access to world-class facilities and a respected medical degree. Both the Philippines and Europe offer unique advantages, so students should weigh their options carefully.

Why Europe is a Preferred Destination for Medical Education?

Despite the new opportunities in the Philippines, Europe remains a top choice for many Indian students. Here’s why:

  • High-Quality Education: Europe is renowned for its world-class medical schools that offer rigorous training and comprehensive curriculums. Universities like Comenius University in Bratislava, Jessenius University in Martin, and the Semmelweis University in Budapest are globally recognized for their excellence in medical education.
  • Advanced Research Opportunities: European medical schools are at the forefront of medical research. Students have access to cutting-edge facilities and can participate in groundbreaking research projects, providing invaluable exposure to the latest advancements in medical science.
  • Diverse Clinical Exposure: Europe offers a diverse clinical environment where students can gain experience with a wide variety of medical conditions and healthcare systems, essential for developing a well-rounded understanding of global health issues.
  • Strong Support Networks: Many European countries have well-established support systems for international students, including robust mentorship programs and extensive career services, helping students transition smoothly into their professional careers.
  • Global Recognition: Medical degrees from European universities are highly respected worldwide. Graduates often find it easier to secure residencies and jobs in various countries, due to the strong reputation of their universities.

Making an Informed Choice

While Europe offers unparalleled opportunities in terms of quality education, research, and global recognition, the new policy in the Philippines provides a viable alternative for Indian medical students. The decision ultimately depends on individual preferences, career goals, and financial considerations.


If you are an aspiring medical student, Europe continues to be a top destination, offering world-class education and research opportunities. However, the recent policy change in the Philippines presents an exciting new option, especially for those seeking affordable education with the possibility of practicing locally.

Explore both options thoroughly to make an informed decision about where to pursue your medical education. Whether you choose Europe or the Philippines, both regions offer unique advantages that can pave the way for a successful medical career.

Ready to start your medical journey? Connect with futureMBBS team today to learn more about top medical schools in Europe, application processes, and how to make the best choice for your medical career. Your future in medicine begins here!