Funny and Weird Medical Terms

Pratibha Chauhan

Pratibha Chauhan

Senior Content Specialist

Reading time: 6 Minutes
Updated on: 15. April 2024
Funny Terminology

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Laughter is like a friend we all enjoy, and even in the super serious world of medicine, some words can bring a smile to your face. Sounds interesting, isn’t it? Well, get ready for a little adventure as we explore 16 amusing medical terms. These funny words might make you reconsider how serious doctors and nurses truly are.

Are you prepared for a healthy dose of medical fun? Let’s begin!

  1. Ice cream headaches 

Ever experienced those ice cream headaches? Well, they’re technically known as sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. It’s like a brain reboot after indulging in a chilly treat. Just one of the many cool and funny terms in the world of medicine!

  1. Shin splints

Shin splints may not have the most alluring name, but medial tibial stress syndrome sounds quite enchanting! So, keep your ears open the next time you’re in a medical setting. You might just overhear healthcare professionals using peculiar and eccentric terms that may sound a bit puzzling at first.

  1. Vitamin IQ Deficiency

When people head to the doctor, they might be low on certain things. You might’ve heard someone in healthcare say, “You’re running short on vitamin A!” or “You need more vitamin D.” But did a doctor ever tell someone they’re low on “vitamin IQ”? Probably not. Doctors usually don’t say that straight up. Instead, they hint that the person isn’t following the advice from medical folks or those close to them.

  1. Bug Juice

You might be familiar with this scenario! Remember that instance when you had a significant infection, and the doctor gave you antibiotics to eliminate the illness or prevent it from worsening? In the medical field, some healthcare professionals playfully refer to antibiotics as ‘Bug Juice.’ This term emphasizes the idea that antibiotics act as a powerful force, eradicating internal bugs causing the ailment. It’s akin to using an antivirus for your computer when it’s infected by bugs affecting the operating system. Similarly, antibiotics work to eliminate bugs impacting our immune system, restoring us to normal health and well-being.

  1. Code Brown

This phrase comes into play when a patient has experienced a bowel movement in their bed, typically occurring within a hospital setting. The responsibility for cleaning up this situation falls on the nursing staff, and as you can imagine, it’s not a particularly pleasant task.

  1. Crispy Critter

This phrase is used to characterize a patient who has sustained severe burns throughout their entire body.

  1. CBT

If you’re a counselor or a person who helps others with their feelings, you might think CBT stands for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. But in our funny world, we say it means Chronic Biscuit Toxicity, teasingly talking about someone who’s overweight.

  1. Flu in the knee

This term is commonly used to describe a situation where a patient is dealing with knee osteoarthritis and every movement they make results in discomfort.

  1. Blamestorming

In the world of medicine, professionals face daily challenges, navigating through the constant chaos of the industry. Amidst this, a humorous medical term, often linked to the healthcare’s hectic atmosphere, is “blamestorming.” While not an everyday phrase, it’s a situation we’ve all encountered. Blamestorming occurs when someone is on a mission to find fault. It’s a scenario where an individual creates a storm, trying to pinpoint who is to blame for a particular mishap.

  1. Yellow Submarine

Adding a dash of humor to our list of medical terms, here’s another one often tossed around by healthcare folks. “Yellow submarines” is the playful way they refer to patients with jaundice, where their skin takes on a yellowish hue due to liver complications.

  1. Cut and Paste

In computer talk, “cut and paste” is common for moving text. But in medicine, it’s used when a procedure doesn’t work. The surgeon cuts, realizes they can’t do anything, and pastes the incision back together.

  1. Snot docs

This medical term is for doctors, also known as Pulmonologists, who specialize in the organs crucial for our breathing. “Snot docs” are experts in dealing with organs such as the pharynx, larynx, bronchi, alveoli, bronchioles, trachea, mouth, and nose.

  1. Doughnut

In exploring amusing terms related to healthcare professionals, patients, scenarios, and conditions, let’s not overlook the “doughnut.” This term takes a humorous turn, referring to a CT scanner, the device patients use for accurate diagnoses.

  1. White Cloud

The saying “There’s a black cloud hanging over his head” commonly implies that something bad is on the horizon, quite the opposite of a “white cloud.” In healthcare, a “white cloud” is a term reserved for those professionals who regularly handle uncomplicated patients or make straightforward diagnoses. These individuals seem to have consistently easy days where everything flows smoothly for them.

  1. Dump Job

For various reasons, certain patients may not receive the care they need or be efficiently managed. This might be because the facility is simultaneously overwhelmed with numerous patient cases. In such situations, a ‘Dump job’ could occur, involving transferring the patient to another facility or hospital. This way, the original facility is relieved of the responsibility of handling that specific patient.

  1. Noctor

Exploring the amusing language of the healthcare field, some phrases, although funny, may not carry a friendly tone. “Noctor” falls into this category, used in a somewhat unfriendly manner. A “noctor” refers to a nurse who behaves or frequently believes they are a doctor.


In the world of healthcare, where seriousness and challenges prevail, a touch of humor can be found in the unique and amusing terms used by professionals. From “ice cream headaches” to “dump jobs,” each phrase adds a lighthearted perspective to the daily workings of the medical field. Despite the sometimes unconventional language, these funny terms serve as a reminder that laughter can coexist even in the most serious of professions. So, next time you hear about a “doughnut” in a medical context, remember that it might just be a scanner, not a sweet treat.

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